Accueil > Informatique > Perl: Parallel::MPI::Simple with mpich MPI implementation in a clustered environment

Perl: Parallel::MPI::Simple with mpich MPI implementation in a clustered environment

Here is how I successfully installed the Perl module Parallel::MPI::Simple (v0.03) in a clustered environment with the mpich MPI implementation. There are other ways this could be achieved, but I present here what I’ve done.

Before proceeding, make sure the command « mpicc » is available on your system.

1. Installing Perl

On the system I have access to (and on which I have no root access), the installed version of Perl is 5.8.8, which is insufficient for my needs; notably, I need threads support. So I downloaded the 5.12.2 Perl sources and configured it for my system with:

sh Configure -Dusethreads -Dusemorebits -Dcc=icc -A ccflags='-fPIC' -Dprefix='/my_home/path' -de

then « make » (or preferably qmake with SGE), then « make install ».

2. Fixing CPAN

Don’t do the following if your cpan is working fine; however, if you get errors about file locks, here is a VERY dirty fix:

  1. save the following into a file, say « »:
    ---        2010-10-23 11:52:01.000000000 -0400
    +++     2010-10-23 11:52:39.000000000 -0400
    @@ -504,6 +504,11 @@
     sub _flock {
     my($fh,$mode) = @_;
    +#EM: Dirty hack
    +flock $fh, $mode;
    +return 1;
     if ( $Config::Config{d_flock} || $Config::Config{d_fcntl_can_lock} ) {
     return flock $fh, $mode;
     } elsif (!$Have_warned->{"d_flock"}++) {
  2. find your file (mine is in $PREFIX/lib/perl5/5.12.2)
  3. do:
    cp $PREFIX/lib/perl5/5.12.2/
    cd $PREFIX/lib/perl5/5.12.2
    patch <
  4. If you have the file « $PREFIX/lib/perl5/5.12.2/CPAN/ », delete it.

3. Installing Parallel::MPI::Simple

  1. Run « cpan » (procede with configuration if asked to).
  2. Do:
    install Parallel::MPI::Simple
  3. If you notice well, it won’t work, because compilation will fail at some point. So exit from cpan and go to « ~/.cpan/build », and there you should see a folder named something like « Parallel-MPI-Simple-0.03-xxxxxx ». Go in it, then edit the file « Makefile » and change the line « CC = cc » for « CC = mpicc », and change the line « LD = cc » for « LD = mpicc ».
  4. Run « make », then « make install », and you’re done! 🙂

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